Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan reveals he used ChatGPT for his speech, shocks the audience

Chinese Nobel laureate and Novelist Mo Yan recently revealed at an award ceremony that he took the help of ChatGPT to write his speech for author Yu Hua.

The revelation that the award-winning author used Artificial Intelligence for his speech shocked the audience and a video clip of his speech has also become viral on Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site.

Recently, Yan presented an award to author Yu Hua at Shouhuo magazine’s 65th celebration at Shanghai Dance Centre. The Nobel laureate was expected to give a speech in praise of Hua, for which the former said that he used ChatGPT.
“The person who is receiving this award is truly remarkable and, of course, he is also my good friend. He is extraordinary, so I must be too… A few days ago, I was supposed to write a commendation for him as per tradition, but I struggled for several days and couldn’t come up with anything.
So I asked a doctoral student to help me by using ChatGPT,” Yan said in his speech, reported The Independent.
However, this shocked the audience and the South China Morning Post reported that there was an “audible gasp” from the audience upon hearing this.
Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012. In his praise, the Nobel Prize’s website states that the writer “who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary”.

Some of Yan’s popular books include ‘Red Sorghum’ , The Garlic Ballards’, Sandawood Death,’ among others.

Source: Times of India