Indian voters battle extreme temperatures as intense heat wave hits region

Indian voters are battling sweltering conditions to take part in the world’s biggest election as a severe heat wave hits parts of the country and authorities forecast a hotter-than-normal summer for the South Asian nation.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said a heat wave will affect parts of south and east India until the end of the week, including four states that are voting on Friday.

Parts of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka are among 13 states and union territories voting in the second phase of India’s mammoth elections, with temperatures forecast to exceed 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas.

On Thursday, Baripada in the eastern state of Odisha hit 43.6 C (110.4 F) and Telangana’s Khammam in the south reached 43.4 C (110.1 F), according to the IMD, which warned last month that India would likely see stronger and longer heat waves this year due to above-normal temperatures.

Gandhi Ray, a farmer in his 60s from eastern Bihar state, said he lives in a small hut in the forest, and will walk to a nearby village to vote.

Temperatures above 41 C (105 F) are forecast every day until May 1 in his hometown of Banka district, according to the IMD.

“It’s important for me to vote but definitely every day this heat is getting worse and worse,” he told CNN. “I work outdoors mostly so I am used to it but as I get older it becomes harder to cope. Now my kids have taken over most of the work.”

A man wipes his face during a hot day in New Delhi on April 21, 2024.

A man wipes his face during a hot day in New Delhi on April 21, 2024. Noemi Cassanelli/CNN

High temperatures have raised concern this election cycle, as campaigns marked by outdoor political rallies draw thousands of people under the baking sun. The issue was underscored Wednesday, when one lawmaker collapsed from the heat while addressing supporters in western Maharashtra state.

But analysts say climate has not featured as a major issue this election, despite being mentioned in the election manifestos of the two main parties — the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress.

“Climate impacts do shape voter demands — though this tends to filter through as anxieties about livelihood and continued welfare support, rather than in a neatly defined area of politics labeled ‘climate’,” said Aditya Valiathan Pillai, fellow and coordinator for adaptation and resilience at the New Delhi-based Sustainable Futures Collaborative, in a recent op-ed for CNN.

“You can see it in farmers asking for loan waivers and irrigation facilities after years of drought, in urban families demanding reduced electricity prices to offset cooling bills and in calls for more penetrating social welfare.”

A man rests on a cycle rickshaw during a heat wave in New Delhi on April 21, 2024.

A man rests on a cycle rickshaw during a heat wave in New Delhi on April 21, 2024. Noemi Cassanelli/CNN

Regional impact

Extreme heat has already had an impact across the region this year with little respite from merciless heat and humidity for hundreds of millions of people living in areas most vulnerable to climate change.

Neighboring Bangladesh is sweltering through a heat wave this week with prolonged temperatures above 40 C in many districts and no relief during record hot nights, according to climatologist Maximiliano Herrera. The government declared a “heat alert” across the country on Thursday, in place for 72 hours.

Source: Helen Regan

Extreme temperatures are also soaring across Southeast Asia, with dozens of heatstroke deaths report by local media in Thailand, hundreds of schools closed in the Philippines, and droughts drying up rice fields and rivers in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta “rice bowl” region.

The weeks-long heat wave in Vietnam has forced three provinces to declare a state of emergency as salt seeps into fresh water sources, limiting access to drinking water for more than 70,000 households, according to Save the Children.

report released Tuesday by the World Meteorological Organization found that Asia remained the world’s most disaster-affected region in 2023 and the region is heating up faster than the global average.